You may agree that in this section ideas and approach of photographers vary particularly widely. And for that reason, please make sure to read these words of mine, have a look at the photographs in this section and see and feel if what I am saying and showing does resonate with you - because chances are, it may not. And that is fine, there are plenty of approaches out there, be sure to find what fits you. If you wonder now why that is - well, it's a bit like you need a haircut. Would you walk into a hairdresser's and say "one cut and a grand diet decaf soy chai latte?" See where I am getting at?

Now, where was I… Ah, photography. Portraits.

I am an HSP. Every heard of that? Highly Sensitive Person? Well, to put it briefly, it sucks. Nah, it's beautiful. But it does cost a lot of energy in every day life. So to me, I can feel people before they can even see me. Luckily for you, I have learnt to use photography as a part of compensation mechanism.

So, what does this have to do with you… Basically, if you are nervous, this being nervous is well placed in our shooting. It is a thing I can handle - and will let you know how to use it during that shooting of ours. Because those photographs are about you, about showing you. That nervousness is a part of you at that very moment. And… Sorry to disappoint - we will not be finished in like 5 minutes time. Unless you absolutely want to. We will take the next steps from there. Whatever the need, whether it is sensual photography for your girlfriend, boyfriend, whether you are a doctor applying for your next job, a student, a freelancer… We will find the picture language that you will be happy with.